Christmas is loud isn’t it? So much expectation. So many voices. Telling us how to celebrate. What to wear. What to eat and drink. What to watch and what to buy.

Instead, this Christmas we invited everyone to hush the noise. To listen for the love song that the angels bring, this and every year. They sang it for the first time more than 2,000 years ago, on the midnight clear. They’re just waiting for us to join in.
We started our Advent journey by spending a day in reflection, prayer and preparation for Christmas. We met at Effingham Methodist Church and enjoyed a day of fellowship and sharing together.

Wreath making workshop
A group of those who enjoy a practical preparation for Christmas, met for a wreath making session, led by Alison on the 7th December. Those participating shared the costs of materials and the profit from the day went to LYP.
Café Carols
On the 8th December we shared a relaxed evening of Café Carols. We enjoyed the chilled vibe as we heard and sang Christmas carols and songs over festive refreshments.

Church Family Carols
On Sunday 15th December we all came together for our Church Family Carol Service.
There was space in the stable for everyone as we came together as a Church Family to sing Christmas Carols, retell the Christmas story and anticipate the gift of love that was on the way!
Christmas Crafternoon and
On Friday 19th December we gathered many of our young people for an afternoon of Christmas Crafts, concluding with our Christingle Service.
Freddie nobly wore the orange costume to help the young people assemble their Christingles correctly, and understand what it all represents.

Blue Christmas
On Sunday 22nd December we met for a short service for those who had special memories of Christmas.
Christmas does not always feel like a time for joy. It can be a difficult time for all sorts of reasons. Our Blue Christmas service was a quiet, reflective space where we could enable difficult or painful emotions to be held and acknowledged, rather than dismissed or ignored.
Christmas Day Service
We held a service at 10am on Christmas Day so that we could start the day right by celebrating Jesus’s birth.