Online Donations
Click here to donate to LMC via a secure online donation page, using a credit or debit card.
A charge of 1.95% of your donation is taken by the payment provider (SumUp) but there are no other charges.
If you are a tax payer your gift will be enhanced by 25p for every pound you donate, at no additional cost to you, when you complete the Gift Aid details.
If you would prefer to give via a direct bank transfer, which does not incur any additional charges, then please use these details:-
HSBC A/C 01545833 Sort Code 40-27-07
Making a regular donation from your bank
Click here to give you a form to enable you to make a regular gift.
The form can be printed out as required, and full instructions are provided.
Using a credit or debit card in church
We have a tablet with a card reader, mounted on the shelf at the back of the church. It is subject to the same commision charge as the online donations above. But it can be a very convenient way of making a donation spontaneously and safely, while you are in the church.
If you would like to consider leaving some money to the church as a bequest, then, like many before you, the gifts will be used to make a real difference to the church for its ongoing ministry and the effect upon the community.