For adults
Morning Worship
We meet for worship at 10:30am each Sunday morning, and also for special events like Christmas, and Good Friday,
The morning service is a mixture of traditional and contemporary worship, which is led by a music group, and has a lively informal character. We also have an online service, for those unable to attend LMC in person.
Holy Communion is normally celebrated once a month, to which all are welcome to participate.
Most Sundays, we all worship together for about 20 minutes, and then school-aged children go to other rooms for LMC Discoverers. Children are also welcome to stay in the service, if they prefer. There is a box of toys and space to roam at the back of the worship area, if any of our youngest children would like to stay in the service.
Cups of coffee or tea are served after the service, to which everyone is invited to have chance to meet others.
We use a projection system for the words of hymns and songs, but have hymnbooks available for those that prefer it, we also have a loop system for the hard of hearing.
New Fire
We have a contemporary worship service at 6:30pm on the second Sunday in the month. This service consists of praise music and prayer. We welcome everyone from 6pm with refreshments in a café style environment. Friends often join us for this service from other churches in the area. We are glad to be able to host this time of worship which so many find a blessing.
Connect Groups
We have a number of Connect Groups, which will provide the opportunity to meet with others to have a time of study, fellowship and discussion together, and get to know each other in a much better way.
We have “in person” discussion groups, held at different locations during the week, and also a Zoom group that might suit those who prefer to stay at home, but still join in.
The Connect Groups meet fortnightly, and follow series of study courses in sessions of about an hour each.
Prayer Meeting
We hold a prayer meeting each Tuesday morning from 9am to 9:30am. This is held using Zoom so that everyone can join from their own home, or wherever they happen to be. This has been a source of spiritual strength, as we are able to pray about concerns within the church and worldwide issues.
Men’s Breakfast
The Men’s Breakfast is an opportunity to meet with our friends from the other churches in Leatherhead. The hosts, since the covid lockdown break, have been the King’s Croft chapel. This has been a great time for the men to have a meal together and listen to a speaker.
Prayer Breakfast
We have held prayer breakfast several times a year, when we have met at around 9:15am on Sunday morning before our service. This has been a great experience for all ages to get together over a meal, then spend some time praying in groups round the breakfast table.
Time for Tea
We normally hold this on the first Friday of each month when we have an opportunity to have afternoon tea with friends in a cordial environment. We usually have a speaker, a musician or even a short dramatic sketch to provide a little interest. It provides an opportunity to invite friends who might not have any church connection, and enable them to experience some fellowship.