
As a church we are committed to doing what we can to safeguard the environment that God has given us, and to reduce our impact on it. We have joined the EcoChurch scheme, which is a graded scheme looking to make church buildings and activities more sustainable. Currently we have a bronze award, and are in the process of working towards silver.

We hold a number of events throughout the year, including litter picks around our local community.

In 2023 we held an EcoFair, inviting stalls from various local environmental groups, together with our own looking at issues from environmentally friendly household products to a plants stall.

This was the award to our church from the A Rocha UK organisation, to mark our attainment of the Bronze standard in 2022.

As part of our commitment to eco-matters, as a church we adopted the management of the garden at the end of Church Road. This is very near to our church and in fact we use the area as a fire assembly position in the event of any evacuation of our building being required.

A group of our members have regularly been working hard to transform this area, and make it a pleasant place to sit on the benches and admire the flowers and plants.

It has been admired by the neighbourhood as it makes a significant contribution to the road.

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