Community links
Here you can find various links to local organisations and ones further afield.
Local community links
Leatherhead Trinity School – this local primary school has links with both the Anglian Parish Church and Leatherhead Methodist Church. The churches are involved in assemblies and other activities in the school, and the children visit one of these churches at the end of each term and help to lead the church service.
Leatherhead Youth Project – supports young people in the Leatherhead area. The project is supported by Leatherhead Churches, the Local Authority and various charities and companies. LYP has been running successful youth projects in Leatherhead for the last 10 years.
Leatherhead Community Hub (LCH) – exists to support the community of North Leatherhead. It aims to create a safe, beautiful and welcoming space at the heart of the community where people of all ages can connect, learn, have fun and find the support they need to thrive.
Hummingbirds Baby and Toddler Group – We meet on Monday mornings (term time only) from 9.30-11am in the café area of Leatherhead Community Hub.
B@titude – B@titude is a shop in Kingston Road, Leatherhead. The aim is to serve the local community by selling and distributing quality “good as new” babies and childrens clothes, toys and equipment. It provides a comfortable environment for drinks and snacks, as well as a small play area. It offers an opportunity for friendship and support.
LeatherHEAD START – LeatherHEAD START provides emergency, direct access, short-term accommodation for homeless men and women over the age of 18. Priority is given to those with a local connection to Mole Valley.
The Theatre, Leatherhead – provides a cultural centre for films, concerts, plays and events. It is administered by a Christian trust to enhance community life.
Music on Thursdays – MoT at Leatherhead Methodist Church presents mostly chamber concerts, performed by students of the Royal Academy of Music, recent graduates of London’s internationally renowned music conservatoires, and local musicians of similar professional standard.
Other community groups that use our premises include Leatherhead Choral Society and the St. John’s Ambulance cadets.
Wider community links
Cobham United Church – part of the linked pastorate with LMC.
Effingham Methodist Church – our sister church in Effingham.
Cornerstone Church – our sister church covering Horsham, Roffey and Partridge Green.
Dorking Christian Centre – a community centre run by our Methodist Circuit.
The Methodist Church of Great Britain – our connexional link with Methodism nationwide.
Eco Church – A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth. Our vision is for churches of all denominations to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully.